
Alt Creative Blog

Helpful articles about web design, development, and marketing.

Inexpensive Mobile Tech to Support your On-the-Go Marketing Team

Inexpensive Mobile Tech to Support your On-the-Go Marketing Team

According to a report by AT&T and the Small Business and Entrepreneurship Council, American small-business owners save more than $65 billion a year thanks to mobile technologies. Part of that savings is a result of reduced overhead and increased productivity to work on-the-go. But mobility and accessibility are just a few reasons to focus on mobile technology. Keeping your marketing team connected while in the field means more opportunity to work on your campaigns and a streamlined focus on your bottom line.

Beyond Twitter: Content That Will Grow Your Business

Beyond Twitter: Content That Will Grow Your Business

Chances are, you’ve heard once or twice (or a thousand times) that your business should be on Twitter — and Facebook and Pinterest and Tumblr and hey, why not YouTube too? But establishing your brand is about so much more than Tweeting. To really do it right, it’s important to master every content channel available to you.

Let’s take a look at just what these channels are, and why these types of content are chock full of potential.

Why You Should Have a Do Not Do List

Why You Should Have a Do Not Do List

To say that we have a tortured relationship with our checklists would be understating the case. In fact, our daily lives are often dictated by the items featured there. We get little endorphin hits every time we check something off, and feel like a failure every time an item remains there, day after day, week after week, reminding us of all we have yet to accomplish.

Fun Summer Marketing Ideas

Fun Summer Marketing Ideas

Ah, summer. A time of beaches, hot dogs, breezy novels, ice cream, fireflies, road trips, and, if you live and work in Texas like we do, buckets full of sunblock. But if you own or handle the marketing for a small business, the summer fun doesn’t end there. In fact, the many joys of summer make for excellent marketing campaign fodder — even if, unlike Oscar Mayer, you don’t have a hot dog truck to borrow for your summer road trip. Let’s take a look at a few great ways you can tap into that summer spirit for a marketing campaign your customers will remember all year long.

Transform Your Boring Office Space into a Reflection of You

Transform Your Boring Office Space into a Reflection of You

Spending long hours at the office but looking at nothing but industrial, boring beige walls? Does your cubicle look uninviting? Wish you could bring some style to your work space and create a look that is the envy of your co-workers? Rejuvenate your office space with these simple tips for to give your space professional style. Whatever you choose to do, transform your space into something that reflects your style, passions and personality.

Top 7 Misconceptions About Web Design

Top 7 Misconceptions About Web Design

These days, most of us know just how important having a good website is for a business. Poor web design can turn customers away, and not having any web presence at all will make your business look prehistoric. In contrast, with a good website and website strategy alone, it is much easier to start or grow a robust business.