Ah, it’s time for a new website… You likely have more options now that you did the last time you had your website designed. With so many different web building platforms available, even more templates and styles developed for them, and developers and designers like Alt Creative to help you turn those styles into whatever you’d like them to be, building a website today is the definition of being “spoiled for choice.”
And yet it also can be the definition of “decision fatigue” or “complete overwhelm.” Not only do you have the actual look and feel of your site to make decisions about, but you also have to think about which provider can offer you the most robust yet easily editable designs, and at a price that’s right for you.
Where should you start? How can you get the most bang for your buck? How are you even looking to reset your brand in the first place?
These are all common and healthy questions that business owners face when considering a redesign. In this post, we’ll answer ‘em all, but first, a little history on our favorite platform: WordPress.