
3 Companies that Captured Buzz at SXSW

3 Companies that Captured Buzz at SXSW

This year’s SXSW was a huge showcase for new technology. New apps, services, and platforms were in abundance to the point of being a bit overwhelming. During our attendance we took note of some new companies who are making a big splash.


The Isis mobile payment application made it’s debut at SXSW. This mobile payment system brought to you by T-Mobile, AT&T and Verizon and is launching this summer in Austin and Salt Lake City. The Isis application gives you the ability to pay for real goods without taking your credit card out of your wallet. You simply wave an NFC-enabled phone at a reader, enter a PIN on your phone and then complete the transaction. It’s not the first of it’s kind though, it’s direct competition is Google Wallet. Find out more about Isis at http://www.paywithisis.com.


Highlight was one of the most buzzed about new services as SXSW. Highlight automatically pushes users’ basic information to other users nearby when they have something in common. If someone standing near you also has Highlight, their profile will show up on your phone. You can see their name, photos of them, mutual friends, and anything else they have chosen to share. When you meet someone, Highlight helps you see what you have in common with them. And when you forget their name at a party a week later, Highlight can help you remember it. Highlight has competition from other startups such as Glancee and Sonar. Learn more at http://highlig.ht.


TaskRabbit gets you in touch with friendly, reliable people who can help you get just about anything you need done, and put some free time back into your life. Simply post a task and and one of the carefully screened and trained TaskRabbits will take care of it. Then simply pay for the service on the TaskRabbit.com website. To ensure the safety and security of the TaskPosters, each and every TaskRabbit goes through a multiple step application process which includes an essay, video interviews and a background check before being selected to run Tasks. TaskRabbit has some competition from Zaarly. Learn more about TaskRabbit at http://www.taskrabbit.com.

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