Why we love Google Voice
Why we love Google Voice
We admit it – this month’s topics are a little Google-heavy, but we have decided to make the “In Our Toolbox” section part of our monthly email and our blog to give you the 411 on some of our favorite productivity tools. Google Voice is high on our list. While we love to actually talk to our clients, checking voicemails can be challenging in the information age. Google Voice gives us options! Read more to learn about how you can use Google Voice in your business to make your day-to-day phone related tasks easier to tackle.
1. Google Voicemail on your mobile phone – When you sign up for Google Voice, you get your own Google number which you can use as your main number, or you can set Google Voice to be the voicemail on your mobile number. For instance, you can set up you cell phone to use Google Voice as your voicemail box, instead of your mobile carrier WITHOUT having to setup call forwarding on your mobile plan. We love this feature because it gives us all of the features of Google Voice without changing how we receive calls.
2. Visual voicemail – iPhone users are familiar with visual voicemail. Essentially it is a list of all your voicemails so you can listen to a voicemail without sitting through the previous voicemails. We love this feature because it saves so much time.
3. Voicemail transcription – If you’re like us and you find yourself in a noisy environment but need to check that urgent voicemail that you just received, voicemail transcription is a life saver. The transcriptions can even be sent to your email or as a text message. Now, we will mention that while this is an awesome feature, the transcriptions themselves aren’t perfect. I’m pretty sure my dad has never used the phrase “call me back, bro”, but according to a recent Google transcription that’s what he said. Occasionally the transcribers have trouble understanding what is said, but it’s easy to get the gist if you are in a place where you just can’t check voicemail.
4. Call Screening – Have you ever seen a call come in from an area code that you don’t recognize or that’s listed as unknown? Maybe you suspect that it is a telemarketer, but you’ve also been expecting a call from that last sales lead that you don’t want to miss. If the user is calling your Google voice number, you have the option to screen the call with the ListenInTM feature and get the caller’s name. Genius!
5. Custom voicemail greetings – If you like us, it takes f-o-r-e-v-e-r to get the perfect outgoing message. Such a shame to have to overwrite it when you go on vacation and have to leave a vacation greeting. With Google voice you can create as many greetings as you want and save them for future use.
6. Recording calls and conference calling – This feature is perfect for those Friday afternoon conference calls. Ever notice how the weekend makes the details of those calls just float right out of your brain? With Google Voice, you can record calls and have multiple users on the line for conference calls.
At Alt Creative, these features have made a real difference in how we do business. We can answer voicemails faster, we can record important phone calls and conference with our clients, we can even make all of our phones ring when someone calls while we are out of the office. Visit the Google Voice page to learn about more features offered.
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